Numerology software can make our job of calculating and understanding our personal numbers much easier.
Unlike astrology software, which is very numerous, you will not find many computer programs for numerology calculations and interpretations. We will review some of them here.
We ourselves have developed the Numerology Assistant – a simple yet powerful numerology software, useful for both hobby and serious numerology work.
The software contains four separate calculators - for date, name and cycle numbers, and for numerological prediction. It lets you calculate 28 different numerological numbers (5 date numbers, 8 name numbers and 15 cycle numbers) – and also read the interpretations of your personal numbers.
The software itself requires no special installation, but you need to have a spreadsheet editing program (e.g. Microsoft Excel or the free OpenOffice Calc) installed on your computer. It works on all major operating systems - Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
It calculates the numbers according to the improved Chaldean numerological system, which we ourselves use.
For calculations only, you can try the free Numerology Calculator. It can calculate the name numbers (according to both the Chaldean and Pythagorean systems), as well as the basic date numbers. However, it does not contain any explanations of the calculated numbers.
Among the more expensive professional numerology software, Alabe Personal Numerology is worth mentioning. It has three built-in calculation systems - Pythagorean, Chaldean and Agrippa - and allows you to specify additional systems if you wish.
The software also includes detailed interpretations of most important numerological numbers and allows you to add your own interpretations. It also includes a numerological forecast for two years and lucky numbers by month. All this can then be printed out in a neat printout.
Also interesting is the free software Numberology, which analyses only date numbers. It gives very detailed interpretations - predictions for Personal Years, Personal Quarters, Personal Months, Personal Weeks and Personal Days. The software also allows you to manually enter your own interpretations.