Pinnacles are four Numerology numbers that describe our main life phases or opportunities.
These phases are similar to four seasons of the year, because they always bring great changes.
This youthful Turning Point asks you to strike out on your own, to develop your own individuality, and to create something original. During this period it is best to lead rather than being led. You may feel frustrated, because early in your life others will probably be in a better position to lead you, and they may not tolerate your expressions of individuality. Your task is not to respond by being stubborn and self-centered.
This youthful Turning Point may find you battling with a tendency toward being timid and easily hurt, and you may have a strong attachment to your mother. But it also offers you a chance to learn to work constructively as a team member, and to hone your skills as a tactful diplomat and peacemaker.
This youthful Turning Point offers a chance to expand socially and artistically. Learn now to be cheerful and creative. To make the most of your creative potential, you will need to learn to apply yourself steadily and not scatter your energies. You may then have a chance to bask in the limelight and enjoy the applause.
This youthful Turning Point may give you little time to enjoy the pleasures of childhood, but it does offer a chance to learn care and discipline in your work. The determination and perseverance that you learn now are sure to bring rewards later on.
This youthful Turning Point offers a chance for travel, new ideas, and even a new lifestyle. Embrace these fearlessly, and you will develop your character for the next phase. You have a way with people and can now make the most of it. During this period you may feel unstable and rootless, and may need to wait for a more suitable period to build a satisfyingly firm foundation for your adult life.
This youthful Turning Point may call you to take on heavy domestic responsibilities at an early age, such that you feel denied a carefree childhood. If you shoulder these responsibilities with good grace, your reward may be love, security, protection, loyalty and sympathy, both given and received. This Turning Point may also take the form of an early marriage that comes when you are still really too young to settle down.
This Turning Point may pose the challenge of feeling lonely and isolated when you are young. It’s possible that you are either denied the education you wish for, or you are pressured into studying by your parents. If you are lucky, you will be permitted to go inward to study and dream. Doing so can enable you to develop a deep philosophy of life that will sustain you in later years.
This youthful Turning Point forces you to deal with issues of money and power at an early age, possibly at the expense of childhood fun. Hone your organizational abilities, learn to work hard, and expect success. The skills you acquire and the material comfort you can achieve early in life can serve as the foundation for future endeavors.
This youthful Turning Point may face you with change or loss at an early age. For a young person it may be especially difficult to deal with the intense emotions involved, and to love and give even though there may be no return. Nevertheless, during a 9 vibration this is where happiness lies. The more you rise to this challenge, the more beautiful life will seem to you. If you work for the good of others, you may be able to achieve money and success quite early in life.
Having the very high 11 vibration as a youthful Turning Point gives you the chance to achieve public notice early in life. Much can be expected of you, so that you may need to deal with nervous tension during these years. Your task is to take the insights, inspiration and possibly inventive genius that are now given to you, and turn them toward bettering the lot of others.
With 2 as the lower-level vibration during this period, you may also be asked to learn to work constructively as a team member, and to learn how to be the tactful diplomat and peacemaker.
Having the very high 22 vibration as a youthful Turning Point gives you the chance to combine material concerns with your highest ideals. In doing so you can build something of substance that will benefit others. Your test is to learn to use the great power that is given to you at this early age unselfishly and for the betterment of the community. Doing so will bring you a renown that you will be glad to take into later life.
With 4 as the lower-level vibration during this period, you may also be forced to learn care and discipline in your work. Determination and perseverance learned now are sure to bring rewards later on.
The next nine years of your life will test your ability to strike out on your own, to develop your own individuality, and to create something that is totally your own. To learn the lessons of this Turning Point, prepare either to work alone or to be the boss. Your reward will be recognition of your achievements in later periods.
The next nine years of your life will test your ability to work constructively as a team member and to deal patiently with details. Learn now to be tactful and sensitive to the feelings of others. Don’t expect much recognition now, but remember that the peacemaking and diplomatic skills that you develop now will serve you well later in life.
The next nine years of your life will test your ability to expand both socially and artistically. It is a time to learn how to be cheerful and friendly, and to develop your ability to create. You may have the opportunity to write, speak publicly, or in other ways to use your mind and be on-stage. Develop your feelings and imagination, and be prepared for prosperity.
The next nine years of your life will test your ability to learn to be practical and realistic. This is a time for careful, disciplined work so that you can give your most productive years a firm and orderly foundation. Developing perseverance and a consistent application to work will bring rewards for the rest of your life. If you feel cramped economically during this period, remember that this is probably a passing influence.
The next nine years of your life will test your ability to be adventurous and enterprising, and to gracefully ride the waves of change as you set out in the world and take up a career. This is a time for slowing down your restless momentum somewhat so that you can at least think about settling upon a life direction.
Naslednjih devet let vašega življenja bo preizkus vaše sposobnosti, da voljno sprejmete družinske odgovornosti. Vendar se ne posvečajte le zadovoljevanju materialnih potreb vaših The next nine years of your life will test your ability to take on domestic responsibilities with grace. You must avoid getting hung up on delivering the material necessities to your near and dear, and remember that it is your love and acceptance of who they really are that is the most important give you can give.
The next nine years of your life will test your ability to go inward, meditate and study. Now is your chance to develop a philosophy that sustains you through the rest of your life. Ensure that you get enough intellectual stimulation, and that you learn how to analyze and evaluate.
The next nine years of your life will heighten your interest in money and the acquisition of power and material comfort. Your test is how you will handle a yuppie-like lifestyle. Will you use your gifts and organizational skills only for personal gratification, or will you use them to create something of lasting value for the world? The choice you make will affect your sense of happiness and satisfaction during your next Turning Point period.
In the next nine years of your life you will be called to seek out ways serving the world and your fellow human beings. This could be brought on by personal losses that stimulate you to seek higher forms of happiness than mere ego gratification. This is an ideal time to develop compassion and to learn to sustain yourself with an appreciation of all the beauty in your life.
In the next nine years of your life you will be given innovative ideas and possibly spiritual insights, and you will have an unusual opportunity for fame. Your task is to direct these gifts for the benefit of others.
The next nine years of your life will test your ability to give your ideals concrete form in the world. The master number 22 is a very special vibration for a Turning Point, and it can bring you great accomplishments and rewards. It is best to use the power you will have during this period unselfishly and for the betterment of the community. This can be a time of heightened nervous tension as you learn to adjust to the demands of this very high and intense vibration.
This 1 vibration during the prime of your life brings a chance to become noted in your own right. Known for your individuality, you have a chance stand out from the crowd and engage in some creative act that proclaims who you really are. It is now best to work alone or to do the bossing yourself.
This 2 vibration in the prime of your life enables you to work out your destiny through partnership in either marriage or business. Your inclination may be to give way to your partner’s needs and demands, but this is not the way to master this vibration. The real lesson of a partnership is to find a balance between equals. This means not just learning how to love, but also how to fight, or some gentler way getting your own needs met as well as those of your partner.
This 3 vibration in the prime of your life demands that you now actualize your creative powers. Your imagination is fertile, and this is a great time to express yourself, especially in words. This is also a chance for networking and making yourself known, and it can be a time when you have the choice of wearing prosperity badly or well.
This 4 vibration in the prime of your life gives you the chance to be maximally productive. If you use it well, you will be building a solid and secure foundation for your older years. You may have heavy responsibilities at this time, but if you shoulder them with good grace you will immediately reap rewards in terms of satisfaction and the recognition of your power to get things done.
This 5 vibration in the prime of your life may give you the choice of how you greet disruption and change. If it is forced upon you, it is best to loosen up and ride it out gracefully. If it is your own restlessness that keeps your life in continual upheaval, your choice is whether or not to bring this under control. You may have the chance to get out of a rut and travel, take in new ideas, and even totally change your lifestyle.
This 6 vibration in the prime of your life brings a choice about how you will bear heavy responsibilities, and whether you will let them beat you down or bring you the happiness that comes from helping others. It may also be a time when you are called to make a nest that is a true haven for you, your family and friends.
This 7 vibration may mark a pause in the prime of your life as you turn inward to integrate your experiences and meditate on the meaning of it all. For some, this may be merely retreating from the demands of the world, but it is possible to make this period a true voyage to the sometimes scary but potentially rewarding places inside. If you complete this voyage successfully, you lay the foundation for an old age marked by true wisdom and the ability to give something of great value to the world.
This 8 vibration in the prime of your life gives you the chance for prosperity and power when it is most natural to achieve it. If you’ve laid the foundations in earlier years, your wealth and fame can be considerable. Your choice is to exercise this power for either your own ego gratification or for the good of others as well as yourself.
This 9 vibration in the prime of your life can lead you into situations of high emotion and possibly loss. You have the choice of how to react. If you play the victim, you regress and create unhappiness. If you take the long view of loss and are able to accept its necessity and absorb its message, you will realize that you have the power to create your own happiness and life will take on a luminous kind of beauty.
Having the master number 11 vibration in the prime of your life is a great gift, for now is a time when you can have the widest possible influence. This nine-year period gives you a chance for unusual inspiration and illumination, and you may well achieve fame. Your test is to use this high and difficult vibration without burning yourself out, and to turn it to constructive use for humanity.
Having the master number 22 vibration in the prime of your life is a great gift, for now is a time when you can have the widest possible influence. This is your chance to build something on a grand scale and reap great rewards. It is best to use the power you will have during this period unselfishly and for the betterment of the community.
In the last period of your life, a 1 vibration calls you to define your individuality and become a person in your own right. It is a time to exercise your own powers and fight for your independence. If you do this with courage and determination, you can have an exhilarating old age and will be remembered long after you’re gone.
In the last period of your life, a 2 vibration calls you to live your life with someone else. Your choice is whether or not to put energy into making the relationship work. You may choose a partner for security and assistance in case you need it, but it’s also never too late to explore the deepest forms of mature love and achieve a pinnacle of true happiness in your later years.
In the last period of your life, a 3 vibration calls you to gather your friends around you and take up new forms of self-expression. This is a time when you can be thankful for companionship and good cheer, and you can explore new and interesting parts of yourself in writing, painting or other arts or crafts. No matter if your physical body isn’t what it used to be. You now have the chance to be utterly vibrant on the mental level.
In the last period of your life, a 4 vibration calls you make practical choices, and you will get a good feeling from putting your affairs in order. You may need to live on a tight budget, but if you approach it with the correct attitude, this need not feel like a great burden. You may be one of those for whom thrift is a pleasure and an entertainment. A steady routine of work can keep you on track, and if you so choose, you can derive deep satisfaction by leaving a legacy of tangible achievement.
In the last period of your life, a 5 vibration calls you to overturn your old routines and renew yourself with travel, new ideas, and possibly even a new lifestyle. Your choice to do something a bit risky will keep you feeling remarkably young for your years. If you go rigid and try to barricade yourself safely away from the possibility of change, it can have a nasty way of seeking you out anyway. It’s best to hang loose and roll with it if it comes. Your life will be so much more interesting that way.
In the last period of your life, a 6 vibration calls you to build a secure and cozy retreat for you and your loved ones. At this time of life it is especially important to guard against becoming set in your routine and rigid in your opinions. If responsibilities are thrust upon you for care of your loved ones, you have the choice of whether or not to accept your duties wholeheartedly. Will this be just another burden to bear, or will you use it for practice in opening your heart and discovering strengths you never knew you had? The choice is yours.
The last period of your life is a natural time to draw back from the world as the 7 vibration demands. It is a time to go inward, assimilate all that has gone before, and renew your acquaintance with a higher power. Just make sure that you do not turn inward to excess. At a time in life when friends drop away, you need to spend some time cultivating the acquaintances and dear ones that you still have. This is not a great time for partnerships, but it is a wonderful time for going back to school and making acquaintances who share your mental interests.
In the last period of your life, an 8 vibration calls you to consolidate your financial position and exercise some power. If you are not retired yet, this may be the pinnacle of your career. If you are retired, you will probably be drawn to take high positions in volunteer organizations, or to advise others on business and finance. Resist the cultural stereotype of sitting back in a rocking chair at your age, because for you happiness lies in continued productive activity, and the power you achieve is what keeps you vibrant.
In the last period of your life, a 9 vibration calls you to be selfless, impersonal and universal in your outlook. If you cling to anything in a period when change, endings and loss are real possibilities, you will only create misery for yourself and you will fail to garner the wisdom that is offered to you now. Whatever life brings, you must study it for the lessons that it offers. When you learn the lesson, suffering is no longer necessary. If you maintain your universal outlook, money and success are a real possibility, but your greatest rewards are in learning compassion and seeing the true beauty that is all around you.
In the last period of your life, an 11 master number bids you to call upon all that you have achieved so far, and use this to make a lasting contribution to the world. You will be gifted with unusual inspiration and insight and could leave the world a legacy of innovation. This is a difficult vibration, and it can be nervously exhausting, but should you choose to go with it, you will have the exhilaration of knowing that your life has made a difference.
In the last period of your life, a 22 master number bids you to call upon all that you have achieved so far. This is a very special vibration for a Turning Point, one that spurs you to concretize your ideals into something useful for humanity. If you take up the call, you will have the exhilaration of knowing that your life has made a difference, and you may also reap recognition and tangible rewards. Your choice is whether to make the effort, and to make unselfish use of the power that this master number can give you.