
E1 - Numerology For Name Change

Numerological Analysis of the New Name

If you have changed your name or surname in life, such as when you get married, numerological analysis of your new name can help you understand your new motives, inclinations and talents.
Some people, however, want to change their name themselves to accelerate their personal development or career. In this case, a numerological name change may be useful. But changing a name has far-reaching consequences and requires careful consideration.


The numerological vibrations that influenced us at birth are a constant that follows us throughout our lives. The influence of our birth name depends to some extent on how much we identify with it, but it never goes away - even if we forget our birth name completely. For this reason, the numbers revealed by a numerological analysis of our birth name are the most important for personality analysis.

But if we change our name over the course of our lives, other numbers also become important to us. In particular, the numbers of the name by which we are now commonly known.

In this case, it is a good idea to do a numerological analysis of your new name, which can be very useful in shedding further light on your motives, inclinations and talents.

Interestingly, a new name often compensates in some way for those numbers (and associated characteristics) that are missing or incompatible in our birth name. For example, if we change our name because of marriage, we may stop expressing some of our personality traits and/or start showing other traits. Or, if we take on an artistic alias, we may begin to express more of some of our talents that we have not been able to fully express.

Our feelings with a new name are also different from those with our birth name. Our new name has an impact on how we feel about ourselves and somewhat transforms our personality.

How big is the impact of the new name compared to our birth name? Not much at first. Even after a year, the impact is usually still small. But when more time has passed and we identify strongly with our new name, its impact is naturally stronger. After three to five years of use, its impact can even exceed that of your birth name, if you never use it or think about it.


Usually, we change our name automatically when we get a nickname that "sticks", or we ourselves prefer to be addressed by a shorter name.

For example, the new name could be "Billy Brown", based on the name "William Brown" on the birth certificate.

It is a name that is different from our birth name and last name, and we now use it together with our last name. It is the name that is on our tongue when we think of ourselves and that we use when we informally introduce ourselves to others.

But there are, of course, many other reasons why we may acquire a new name:

  • Culture - when a woman in our Western culture marries and takes her husband's family name.
  • Adoption - the stepparents change the child's name.
  • Profession - if an artist or politician adopts a more appropriate name to represent him or herself in public.
  • Religion - if we are given a spiritual name at spiritual initiation and then many people call us by that name.
  • Symbolic statement - of independence from the family, life philosophy, deeper personal change…
  • Hiding one's identity - from an abusive partner, from the hand of justice, as undercover agent…
  • Personal growth - if we choose to (numerologically) change our name to enrich our lives.


Numerological analysis of our new name, which brings new vibrations into our lives, includes the following numerological numbers:

When analysing a new name, we do not use the Maturity Number, because it is only linked to our birth name.

Compare the numbers of your new name with the numbers of your birth name. The most important here are the Minor Expression, Minor Soul Urge and Minor Personality numbers of the new name.

The influence of our birth name is always present in our lives, but some of its difficult aspects can be mitigated or neutralised by the numbers of our new name - especially if we identify strongly with our new name.


Minor Expression Number is the sum of all the letters of our new name; the name by which we are now introducing ourselves.

The sum of our birth name or the Expression Number represents the positive and negative characteristics of our nature and character. The Minor Expression Number complements, compensates or neutralises these characteristics. Or sometimes emphasises them - when the expression numbers of the birth name and the new name are the same.

The Minor Expression Number is obtained by adding all the letters of your new name - in the same way as with the Expression Number.


1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       11       22


Minor Soul Urge Number is the sum of all the vowels of our new name, i.e. the name by which we are now introducing ourselves.

The sum of the vowels in our birth name, or Soul Urge Number, represents what we want most in life, deep in our hearts. The Minor Soul Urge Number complements and sometimes (when the Soul Urge numbers of our birth name and our new name are the same) reinforces our heart's desire. It often helps us clarify what we really want out of life, and how we can overcome our self-imposed limitations on the way to fulfilling our heart's desire.

The Minor Soul Urge Number is obtained by adding all the vowels of your new name - the same as with the Soul Urge Number.


1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       11       22


Minor Personality Number is the sum of all the consonants of our new name; i.e. the name by which we now introduce ourselves.

The sum of the consonants in our birth name, or Personality Number, shows the face we present to the outside world and those aspects of ourselves that we show at the beginning of our relationships with other people. The Minor Personality Number complements this picture and helps us understand how we can best function in our environment and society.

The Minor Personality Number is obtained by adding all the consonants of your new name - in the same way as for the Personal Number.

The interpretations of the Minor Personality Numbers are the same as for the Personality Numbers of the birth name.


The First Vowel in New Name contains an additional explanation of the Minor Soul Urge Number (the sum of all the vowels in our new name). The First Vowel in New Name emphasises or diminishes it, and sheds more light on our emotional nature and life motivations, which are indicated by the Minor Soul Urge Number.

The First Vowel in New Name (which reflects the vibrations of our new name) complements our deep heart's desire and sometimes (when it is the same as the First Vowel in Birth Name) emphasises it.

The interpretations of First Vowels in New Name are the same as for the First Vowels in Birth Name.

First Letter in New Name

In a name, the first letter has more power than the other letters. First Letter in New Name further explains our Minor Expression Number, which represents the characteristics of our "new" nature and character.

The interpretations of the First Letters in New Name are the same as for the First Letters in Birth Name.


Our Family Number - the number of our last name at birth - represents the inherited patterns that we adopt at birth and in early childhood. Our New Family Number, on the other hand, in some way expresses our desire to deviate from the path that our family set for us at the beginning of our lives.

If the numbers of our Family Number and the New Family Number are the same, it means that we have now (at least partially) accepted our family's path as our own.

To get the number of New Family Number, add up the values of all the letters in the new last name. (You can find a table for converting letters to numbers here.) Reduce the sum until you get a single-digit number.


1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9


Today, more and more people want to change their name with the help of numerology in order to improve the quality of their life.

Such a move can be very beneficial, for with a new name we attract the new vibrations we want into our lives. However, changing your name has very profound and far-reaching consequences, and therefore requires careful consideration.

Choosing the right new name can accelerate our personal growth and even improve our chances of an artistic or political career.

On the other hand, a name change that is not optimal can have effects that we did not want at all.

So we need to ask ourselves some questions first:

Of course, once you have decided on a new name, you have to use it consistently, otherwise its impact will be minimal.

For a detailed procedure that can help you decide on a name change and choose a new name, see the page Changing Your Name By Numerology.

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