
B3 - Day Of Birth - Our Character And Abilities

Day of birth

The day of the month we were born on is the "Day of Birth number" in numerology. This number from 1 to 31 gives a quick insight into our general nature.

The Birthday Number signifies what talents, abilities and tools we have brought with us into life and is a primary factor in determining which vocation we choose.


If you were born on the first day of the month, you have a dynamic personality and often find yourself to be the centre of attention. You may choose a career in the arts which will enable you to pursue your creative interests, or work with children, animals or pets to bring out the more sensitive side of yourself. Because you prefer to do things your way, you would be better suited to working independently or in a leadership position.


If you were born on the second day of the month, you are highly intuitive and tend to relate emotionally rather than intellectually. Because you do have a compassionate side, it is likely that you will choose a profession looking after others, such as management, politics or and service oriented industry. Because you prefer personal contact, you will probably select a field where you can work closely with others.


If you were born on the third day of the month, you are disposed with an understanding demeanor and are tolerant of others who are different from yourself. Because you have the capacity to assimilate complex issues which you pass on to others, you would be well suited to a career in travel, education, publishing, theology or high finance.


If you were born on the fourth day of the month, you have a lot of energy which you can use to your advantage if you harness it in a purposeful fashion. As a rule, you like to be in control and in charge of your own destiny, and are therefore not usually considered to be a team player as such. You are well suited to any profession which allows you free reign to work in an individualistic fashion and take credit for your own accomplishments.


If you were born on the fifth day of the month, you have a very inquisitive mind and tend to explore new ideas in an analytical manner. You are well suited to any role where you would be performing a service or using your capacity to think quickly, such as administration, therapy, accounting or computing.


If you were born on the sixth day of the month, you have a pleasant disposition which enables you to make friends easily. You have an innate sense of diplomacy and know what to say in almost any given situation. You would excel in any profession which allows you to express your love of beauty, such as art or music, or allows you to develop relationships, such as that of a representative, consultant, advisor or solicitor.


If you were born on the seventh day of the month, you have very high ideals about how things should be and can therefore at times feel let down when others do not live according to your expectations. You can be emotional, and this sensitivity is often channeled through your intuitive abilities. You would be well suited to a career in medicine, pharmaceuticals or the cosmetic industry.


If you were born on the eighth day of the month, you have a serious streak and can usually be counted on to honour your commitments. You may have somewhat of a somber disposition because of your many responsibilities and would be well suited to a business environment were you would be able to utilize your superior organizational skills.


If you were born on the ninth day of the month, you are considered by your friends to be an independent thinker who is not bound by conventional morals. You would be well suited to any of the up and coming professions, such as television, aerospace or information technology.


If you were born on the tenth day of the month, you have much intensity which can be channeled to accomplish the goals which you have set for yourself. While you generally have a sunny disposition, you will on occasion experience extremes in temperament which are quite confusing to those close to you. You would be well suited to a career in medicine, quality assurance or even espionage.


If you were born on the eleventh day of the month, you are quite sensitive and can pick up on the emotional states of others which you may then confuse for your own. Because you are caring and want to help, you may find yourself becoming too emotionally involved and must therefore learn to detach yourself when relating to people who have personal problems. You would be well suited to a profession working with the public, such as retail, customer service, or counseling.


If you were born on the twelfth day of the month, you are one of those persons who will quite often be required to finish projects that others have begun but left incomplete. You possess an innate wisdom which only your closest friends are aware of because you are not one to express your opinions or give advice when it isn’t requested. You are will suited to teaching, counseling, mediating or sales.


If you were born on the thirteenth day of the month, you are one of those persons who sees projects through to completion, regardless of whether or not you actually initiated them. You can be persuasive with a rather intense manner which would intimidate less confident souls. While you may be somewhat of a loner, you have great organizational skills and would excel in project management, pensions architecture or even farming.


If you were born on the fourteenth day of the month, you have a highly methodical temperament which you are able to utilize by working on your own. Even if working within the confines of a team, you will attempt to carve out a niche which will enable you to work independently. Because you do pay close attention to detail, you are well suited to perform complex managerial roles, but will need to exercise caution to ensure that you do not take credit for the work that others have completed.


If you were born on the fifteenth day of the month, you have a pleasant demeanor and are able to converse with people from various cultural backgrounds. Your diplomacy will undoubtedly help you to achieve success in whatever career path you choose, but you would be well suited to banking, the beauty business or physical therapy.


If you were born on the sixteenth day of the month, you are somewhat of an idealist and can buck the system in an effort to bring about what you consider to be much needed change. You would be well suited to working with water, such as in the shipping, fishing or leisure industry.


If you were born on the seventeenth day of the month, you are very educated but will tend to learn the majority of your lessons through life experience as opposed to a more formal classroom environment. Because you have a rather sympathetic disposition and can relate well with persons from all walks of life, you would be well suited to a sales role which would ultimately move you into a management position after you have proven yourself.


If you were born on the eighteenth day of the month, you are very sensitive and tend to use your innate intuition to help you succeed in the workplace. You may find yourself working with some people, who through jealousy or insecurity, will attempt to discredit you in any way that they can. In circumstances such as these, it is better to do nothing but weather the storm because to react to such acrimonious accusations would do more harm than good and merely prolong the gossip. Because you inspire innovation wherever you go, you would be well suited to any role which requires problem solving and change management.


If you were born on the nineteenth day of the month, you can be quite changeable and somewhat egocentric in your approach to life. As a rule, you like to be on the cutting edge of technology, right in the centre, making exciting things happen. You would be well suited to any of the newer professions, such as telecommunications, information technology or the television industry.


If you were born on the twentieth of the month, you are highly receptive but may find yourself going to extremes when reacting to others. Although you are a caring person, you need to work on balancing your temperament so that the help you give others is truly appreciated. It is important for you to realise that in your earnestness to help, people will only benefit from your services if they actually want assistance: otherwise, they will consider your well intentions to be intrusions into their private affairs. You would be well suited to working in any profession looking after others, such as nursing, childcare, counseling or homemaking.


If you were born on the twenty-first day of the month, you are level headed and take time to consider how interpersonal relationships affect the group as a whole. You can be counted on to complete projects which you have begun and will therefore be counted on the be included in expansive programmes which need dedicated individuals. You are well suited to financially speculative ventures, publishing and advisory roles.


If you were born on the twenty-second day of the month, you are very psychic and tend to use your intuitive gifts to help you excel in the workplace. While you have a lot of energy which you put into your personal relationships, you should be aware of hidden enemies who will make life a bit more complicated should they discover your weaknesses. You are well suited to architecture, homemaking and roles which require a fair amount of organizational skills.


If you were born on the twenty-third day of the month, you are a very analytical person and tend to question the world around you. You are quite communicative and have the ability to correspond with people from various backgrounds, quite frequently putting you in the role of mediator or facilitator. Personal relationships are important to you as you cultivate friends you meet at work and in social settings. While you would be happy as an analyst programmer or accountant, clerical work should not be discounted as you can derive much pleasure from the contacts you will inevitably make.


If you were born on the twenty-fourth day of the month, you have a pleasant if not somewhat forceful temperament which can be used to help you get what you want out of life. You put a lot of effort into cultivating personal relationships and will likely have many friendships developed through your work and private life. You would be well suited to a career as a litigator, paralegal, executive or personnel professional.


If you were born on the twenty fifth day of the month, there is a very spiritual side to your nature which you will as a rule express only to your closest associates. You have somewhat of a philosophical attitude and may become melancholy when you feel that things haven’t turned out in your favour - particularly when reflecting on your personal relationships. You would be well suited to a role as an advisor, counselor or healer.


If you were born on the twenty sixth day of the month, you were given a lot of responsibility at an early age and therefore have a more serious side to your nature. You have to work hard to develop your personal relationships, and as a result may experience the ups and downs of several partnerships before you find the person who you will ultimately spend the rest of your life with. You are a hard worker with exceptional organizational skills and would excel in a supervisory or management capacity to enhance the personable qualities you already possess.


If you were born on the twenty seventh day of the month, you are very changeable and can sometimes be seen as fickle. You are intelligent and come up with a lot of unique ideas, and therefore like to surround yourself with other like minded souls. Because you are very often years ahead of those around you, your closest friends may consider you to be somewhat eccentric, if not unstable, when under stress. While you do need others around you to be successful, you would be well suited to science, telecommunications or research roles.


If you were born on the twenty eighth day of the month, you like to see yourself as a star - especially at work, and can feel threatened by those who you believe may be more skilled than yourself. You do not like to be seen as a wall flower and will go to great lengths to surround yourself with the right sort of friends and acquaintances who will give you the image you would like to project. While you will work hard for results, you are not one who enjoys working alone and therefore develop close friendships in your working environment to make your time spent there a bit more enjoyable. You would be well suited to any field in which you can use your creativity, such as working with children, animals or the tourist industry.


If you were born on the twenty ninth day of the month, you have a very caring disposition which will ultimately put you into a vocation where you are responsible for others. While it is quite likely that you will excel professionally, your private life may experience peaks and troughs as you seek personal as well as public acclaim. While you will do well in many fields, you need to exercise temperance because you do have the tendency to react in extremes when under pressure.


If you were born on the thirtieth day of the month you are very knowledgeable and able to confidently converse on several different topics. Education is important to you as you continue to learn new concepts throughout your life. Professionally, you would be well suited to academia, travel, publishing or athletics.


If you were born on the thirty-first day of the month, you are one of those leaders who others follow because they can sense you inner strength and confidence. While you do have a large circle of friends, you are still somewhat of a loner who will not be coerced into partaking in any activities you don’t want to be a part of. Professionally, you would excel in research or a leadership role.

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