There are several numerology numbers hidden in our birthday.
The most important is the Life Path number - a sum total of the entire birth date.
The Day of Birth number also has a lot of weight, whilst the Year of Birth number, Month of Birth number and Attitude number (sum of day and month of birth) have less weight.
Our birth date has a special vibration and power; it is no chance that we were born on a specific day, month and year. Ancient numerologists believed that our birth date is aligned with cosmic forces that help us in our embodiment and throughout our life path.
By using a numerological system, we can derive our "destiny numbers" or "personal lucky numbers" from our birth date. These numbers tell us a lot about our place in this world and the trials that await us in life.
The most important among them is the Life Path number - a sum total of the entire birth date. The Day of Birth number also has a lot of weight, whilst the Year of Birth number, Month of Birth number and Attitude number (sum of day and month of birth) have less weight.
Calculation: In numerology, the meanings from birth day, month and year are derived by adding up their digits. In most cases, the sum is a two- or more digits number. By adding-up its digits the sum is then reduced to a single digit. Whenever a total turns out to be a master number 11 or 22, however, it is left as-is. These doubled numbers have a special significance, and are given special interpretations.
In calculations we use the actual date of birth - even if by mistake it is written differently on one's birth certificate.
The sum total of day, month and year of one's birth is called by different numerologists the Life Path, Life Lesson, Birth Path, Birth Force or, sometimes, Destiny number.
As its names suggest, it shows our mission in life, our life work and what the universe intends for us. It indicates the main lesson we have come to learn in this world. It shows the opportunities we must utilize in order to make the most of our innate abilities.
By the vibration of Life Path number we usually choose our career, or else this vibration is expressed in our other interests.
Different features of this number are also reflected in the people and experiences that we attract into our life in order to develop all our potentials. But we are not always happy with our life lessons. We may even strongly dislike the characteristics of our Life Path number that are reflected in others, whilst we can act in complete opposition to them.
If, however, we walk by the life path that has been assigned to us, we can avoid the inner conflicts and frustrations and gradually develop in a way that is best for our nature. When we find our true place in the world, we feel at home.
The influence of Life Path number is usually stronger after thirty-fifth year in one's life.
Let's take the date 25th of June 1991 for an example.
First we reduce the year number: 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 20.
Now we add up the numbers of day, month and year: 25 + 6 + 20 = 51.
By reducing this sum to one-digit number we get the Life Path number: 5 + 1 = 6.
(Exception: If the sum of day, month and year turns out to be a master number 11 or 22, it is not reduced. We interpret it instead as number 11 or 22.)
The day of month on which we were born is the Day of Birth number. This number (from 1 to 31) gives us a quick insight into our general nature.
Day of Birth number is similar to Moon in astrology. It is part of our nature that we develop at the beginning of our life. It describes the specific talents and characteristics that we were cultivating from early childhood. It indicates our talents, abilities and tools that we brought with us into this life, and is a key factor in choosing our profession. Its influence is strongest somewhere between 28th and 56th year.
The Day of Birth is also telling us how we see ourselves. It often shows those abilities of ours that make us feel comfortable. Our good friends usually recognize us more by the characteristics of our Day of Birth than by the main theme of our Life Path.
For two-digit Day of Birth numbers, some numerologists also analyze their reduced one-digit values. If, for example, one is born on 15th of the month, this Day of Birth number is reduced by adding 1 + 5 = 6, and the explanation for number 6 is also taken into consideration. But - although it is true that they share some basic similarities - those persons born on 6th of the month have rather different talents than those who were born on 15th (1 + 5) or 24th (2 + 4) of the month.
Month of Birth number is helpful in analyzing one's character.
Month of birth has great influence on our character and gives an indication of how our younger, more formative years will influence our adult lives.
When young, our destiny has not yet been cemented, but the events which occur can help to shape our life path which is in activation primarily from the ages of 28 to 56.
The year in which we were born shows the overall theme that we have determined to live in this incarnation.
By noting the solar year of our birth, we can determine what type of experiences we will have which we can use to find our niche in life. The year of birth also gives us a clue as to the obligations we will have which will help us to mature and develop.
People will tend to gravitate toward others with compatible numbers, because the birth year number relates to our character. Therefore, people in social and work settings will get along best with those who have the same or harmonious Year of Birth numbers, because on a subconscious level their psyches sense an inner likeness which helps them to accomplish common goals.
To obtain the Year of Birth number, first add all its digits and then reduce the sum to a single digit number.
If, for example, one is born in 1971, the calculation is:
1 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 18
1 + 8 = 9
The Year of Birth number of this person is, therefore, 9.
The Attitude number - similar to Day of Birth number - gives a quick insight into our general nature. But unlike the Day of Birth, which is always a part of our general nature, the Attitude number represents the acquired ways of acting, which can be changed by our effort.
Whilst the Day of Birth number describes our emotional and instinctive responses, the Attitude number reveals how we usually act, although we don’t necessarily feel this way.
Our Attitude number tells us about how we initially come across to others. It reveals the behavior that we have discovered during our formative years that worked best for us and helped us to get what we needed. It became deeply ingrained because it works so well, but it can often throw people off as far as who they think we are and what they expect us to be like once they get to know us better.
If our Attitude number is incompatible with our Day of Birth and Life Path numbers, then people will reflect back to us this inconsistency and we may attract people on the basis of our Attitude number that are not really compatible to our true self. In this case, when we wish to get to know somebody, it is advisable that from the very start we acquaint him or her with our dual nature.
And when we ourselves are puzzled because a person that we wish to get to know doesn't correspond to the description of his or her Life Path number, we should then examine his or her Attitude number.
To obtain the Attitude number, first add birth day and birth month numbers, and then reduce the sum to a single digit number.
If, for example, one is born on 17th of September, the calculation is:
17 + 9 = 26
2 + 6 = 8
The Attitude number of this person is, therefore, 8.
Explanations of Life Path numbers - Astrolabe Personal Numerology (software)
Explanations of Day of Birth numbers - Tracy Porter: Your Birthday Number: A Guide to Vocational Selection
Explanations of Month of Birth numbers - Tracy Porter: Your Birth Month: A Guide to Character Analysis
Explanations of Year of Birth numbers - Tracy Porter: Your Birth Year: A Guide to Self Awareness
Explanations of Attitude numbers - Glynis McCants: Glynis Has Your Number