Your Personal Year number is a strong indication of the trends and circumstances you will experience during the year ahead.
If you prepare yourself and are ready for the opportunities that will come up in each year then you stand to benefit greatly.
A personal number One year has an underlying theme of “New Beginnings.” Therefore your resolution for this year needs to be “I am willing to change” even if by nature change is not your middle name. This is your year to put fear aside and look to the future with courage. Be your own Knight in Shining Armor and charge off into the sunset saying “It is all positive and I am an original and confident person.”
It is also a good year to make a career change or start a new course of study. Look for those new opportunities and consider your possibilities and pursue something totally new which will bear fruit over the next few years. Don’t let anyone talk you out of your plans. Keep pushing ahead and do what you intuition tells you is right.
Number one year is favorable for all new beginnings, so it is good to fall in love in this period. You have all predispositions for successful and long standing relationship.
In Personal Year 1 take special care of your head and sense organs, which are more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.
A personal number Two year has an underlying theme of “A spiritual growth of sharing and co-operation with others”. This year carries the theme of “partnership”, but you will have to strive to maintain emotional balance and be willing to give and take. Many people find that their personal relationship are tested or challenged during a No 2 year. If you attempt to force things in any relationships or working life, you are likely to become confused and this in turn will cause trouble. Work with time, love and patience and keep things to yourself. There is a need to be more loving and more accepting of those around you.
If you fall in love in Two year it will not be under your control, but under the influence of higher power.
In Personal Year 2 take special care of your nervous system and kidneys, which are more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.
A Three year has an underlying theme of “giving” and one must be careful not giving out to the point of exhaustion during such a year. The outcome of this year is very much in your hands. On a deep level, it is your attitudes that will be most important. If you are determined to have a bit of fun and enjoy good company, you surely will and the year will turn out to be one full of fond memories. Also, consider a change of personal style, such as a new wardrobe, hairstyle etc. This is also the year in which you could be attending a lot of family type functions such as Coming of Age, Confirmations, Engagements or Weddings.
In Three year your heart will be restless – you will be emotional, seeking love in and around yourself. You will behave childishly and full of imagination, being open for relations with others, but you will not necessarily find love. Of course, there are also bright moments when you meet somebody and your desires are fulfilled. If you are married, you too can experience challenges and nice moments in this year.
In Personal Year 3 take special care of your throat, liver and glands, which are more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.
A Four year has an underlying theme “work and more work”. You have find yourself with so much to do and it is far better to just get on with it in a systematic way rather than chop and change, or allow yourself to become “frozen” with panic. This is an excellent year to make plans for the future – making decisions using the blending of head (analysis) and the heart (intuition) and learning to trust the process of your life.
If you fall in love or marry in Four year, your intentions will be full of impediments. You can fulfill your expectations, though, if you invest more effort, energy and nerves.
In Personal Year 4 take special care of your teeth and bones, which are more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.
A Five year has an underlying theme of “freedom” and is likely to be fast and furious. You may feel the urge to shake free of restrictions, travel or move your home base (whether relates to your working or spiritual life?). It is a time that you find your voice and perhaps even start singing “What About Me?” If you develop some creative ideas this year, make them happen, especially if they are to do with business/sales promotion.
Don’t expect anything serious to develop on the romantic front, but you are likely to attract the sort of people whom you won’t forget in a hurry. If you develop a deeper connection in this year, be prepared to renounce a part of your freedom, or neglect a part of you.
In Personal Year 5 be careful about your sex organs, which are more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.
A Six year has an underlying theme of “home and family” and you may find yourself placing a lot of emphasis on home, responsibility, “duty”, loved ones, relationships and friends. You may be required to make major decision this year in connection with your stability and future – your foundations for the future. Think with your head more than your heart and you will make the right choice. Decisions to do with real estate are likely to be made this year and this regard, think carefully about where you will be really be happy in the long term instead of just considering things from an impulsive or emotional point of view.
A Six year is meant for meeting, relation or marriage.
In Personal Year 6 take special care of your chronic illnesses, which are more likely to appear this year.
A Seven year has an underlying theme of “reflection” and in many ways it is a difficult sort of year to define. This is a good year for retreat, learning and inner change rather than a year of major happening. A word of warning concerning financial & business matters. Anything to do with investment, speculation or starting up any form of business venture is not likely to work out well for you during this period. Watch for a No 8 year and it is likely to purr along nicely.
From a love and romantic point of view, there is likely to be inner turmoil created by broken relationships. In Seven year there often happens a meeting of two sad souls with bad experiences that both need a “crying shoulder”. He or she will listen to you, help you and be your spiritual comfort. In such cases ask yourself whether this relationship can be successful. When bad times are over, we can find out that we made a mistake in choosing this partner.
In Personal Year 7 take special care of addictions, since you are more susceptible to them this year.
An Eight year has an underlying theme of “independence and wisdom”. It is also likely to be a prosperous one. Things won’t just come to you – you have to earn them or be working hard for what you want. This is generally a year of material gain – reward for past efforts, but is also a time to break free of the past and get on with your life. If you are thinking of starting something new, or changing jobs, take advantage of the opportunities that surface as this year progression but make such decision in a hard-headed way, setting sentiment and emotions aside.
If you got together with somebody this year, it was probably only by accident. You were relaxed, it felt good, and you expected some advantages. This relationship is probably not based on feelings, but on sound material grounds.
In Personal Year 8 take special care of your Digestive tract, which is more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.
A Nine year has an underlying theme of “Endings” and it is case of coming ready or not. Many changes are set in motion during this year; however, many aspects of those changes will not always be evident until later the following year. Now is the time to have a spring clean of your life and clear out all the things (and people) that are no longer serving your highest good in life. This is a year of reviewing as well as letting go. Endings in life should be viewed optimistically, because they always preceded new beginnings. All relationships will be tested during this year and some will survive, but others won’t – don’t worry about this as those that go by the wayside were meant to.
A romantic relationship that happens in a Nine year is predestined, but rarely a lasting one. This year is about endings, so it is not a good time for starting new relations. And if it does last, it will probably be unstable.
In Personal Year 9 be aware of greater risks of physical exhaustion, fevers and accidents.
A personal number Eleven year has an underlying theme of “Spiritual Ideas.” Whether you are a man or woman if you are uninvolved you will be looking more for that Soulmate Union rather than just a romance. It is a great year to seek any spiritual healing or deal with any issues of forgiveness of yourself and others. As Eleven is a Master Number some emotional difficulties can be expected whilst dealing with this issue. It is also important that you do not waste energies but channel them into some worthwhile causes that not only end up benefiting yourself but others as well.
During at least some points during the year, you may find yourself “resting” at the lower 2 vibration that underlies 11. A personal number Two year has an underlying theme of “A spiritual growth of sharing and co-operation with others”. This year carries the theme of “partnership”, but you will have to strive to maintain emotional balance and be willing to give and take. Many people find that their personal relationship are tested or challenged during a No 2 year. If you attempt to force things in any relationships or working life, you are likely to become confused and this in turn will cause trouble. Work with time, love and patience and keep things to yourself. There is a need to be more loving and more accepting of those around you.
If you fall in love in Two year it will not be under your control, but under the influence of higher power. In Personal Year 2 take special care of your nervous system and kidneys, which are more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.
A personal number Twenty Two year has an underlying theme of “Helping Others”. You are likely to find your life improving surprising on the financial front but is having money no longer as important to you as in the past. This is a year in which you will have a very open heart with others, charities etc with your finances. The other danger here is not to go overboard that you overdo this because next year finances will be very different. Overall physical and metal activity will be at a peak and the body is suitably conditioned to accommodate the work and effort involved in initiating those projects and causes you are likely to wish to be involved in.
In at least some points during such a year, most people will find themselves falling back into the 4 vibration that underlies 22. A Four year has an underlying theme “work and more work”. You have find yourself with so much to do and it is far better to just get on with it in a systematic way rather than chop and change, or allow yourself to become “frozen” with panic. This is an excellent year to make plans for the future – making decisions using the blending of head (analysis) and the heart (intuition) and learning to trust the process of your life.
If you fall in love or marry in Four year, your intentions will be full of impediments. You can fulfill your expectations, though, if you invest more effort, energy and nerves. In Personal Year 4 take special care of your teeth and bones, which are more vulnerable and susceptible to illness this year.